About Us

The Kingdom Model Life Squad Initiative, also known as Kingdom Life Squads is an arm of The Ecclesia Embassy committed to demonstrating the scriptural lifestyle of the kingdom of God.

The bible describes an approved religion, the type accepted as pure and undefiled before God, to be the one committed to meeting the needs of people (James 1:27).

Jesus also outlined ministry to be an avenue of meeting the needs of people with the Gospel in His mission statement (Luke 4: 18). He came to preach the gospel to the poor, healing to the brokenhearted, deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bound.

From the above, it is clear that ministry really centers around the needs of people, since all a captive need is deliverance, and recovery of sight is all the blind needs, and so on.

Jesus also mentioned that, meeting the needs of people is meeting his own needs, which ultimately improves our relationship with God, and also prepares a place for us in His kingdom (Matthew 25: 31-40).

It is on the above premise that The Ecclesia Embassy seeks to demonstrate the love of God to the world around us.

We therefore seek to use this platform in seizing every opportunity at our disposal, to meet the needs of individuals and organizations around us.


Call Us 0803 939 2266 or email squads@kingdomlifesquads.org


Interventions of all the Mission squads in pictures


Your support will go a long way in advancing our cause.

To reach out to many vulnerable people at the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp in Nigeria and also meet the needs of many less privileged and Orphanage homes