About Kingdom Life Squads


Christ on Missions… Expressing Christ, Reaching the Unreached, Meeting Needs

This is an arm of The Ecclesia Embassy committed to demonstrating the scriptural lifestyle of the kingdom of God.

The bible describes an approved religion, the type accepted as pure and undefiled before God, to be the one committed to meeting the needs of people (James 1:27).

Jesus also outlined ministry to be an avenue of meeting the needs of people with the Gospel in His mission statement (Luke 4: 18). He came to preach the gospel to the poor, healing to the brokenhearted, deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, and to set at liberty them that are bound.

From the above, it is clear that ministry really centers around the needs of people, since all a captive need is deliverance, and recovery of sight is all the blind needs, and so on.

Jesus also mentioned that, meeting the needs of people is meeting his own needs, which ultimately improves our relationship with God, and also prepares a place for us in His kingdom (Matthew 25: 31-40).

It is on the above premise that The Ecclesia Embassy seeks to demonstrate the love of God to the world around us.

We therefore seek to use this platform in seizing every opportunity at our disposal, to meet the needs of individuals and organizations around us.


It is obvious from observations and meditations, that the needs of people and organizations around us will be cumbersome to be met through one channel. It therefore suggests that different squads should emanate from this Mission, to handle different group of needs.


You have a part to play in the kingdom. You have a specific promised land, which is the place where you are to exercise kingdom influence. That is where God has ordained for you to function as a blessing, and be blessed.

Discovering your promised land is the gateway to your kingdom effectiveness.

Beloved, evangelism is only truly effective when you are in your area of gifting.

That is why, to be effective in sharing the gospel, you must find your habitat (your promised land), where you are naturally graceful and fruitful. There you will use your gift effectively.

Now, take note of this vital statement,

“Your promised land is where your love and pain intersect”.

Where you feel pain and love for a particular problem or need in the society, or for a particular place or people. This may be pointing you to your destiny. Remember Moses in Exodus chapter 2, and Nehemiah in chapter 1 of his book. Their pain and love met in their concerns for Israel and Jerusalem respectively.

  • Your promised land is where your passion lies
  • Where you feel an unquenchable supernatural hunger to intervene and improve a situation.
  • Where you see yourself functioning best effortlessly and joyfully.

(That is, “YOU WERE BORN FOR THIS”…..Hmmm!)

The question therefore is this:

  • What do you love and enjoy doing?
  • What do you have passion for?
  • What sets you on fire and consumes you with zeal?
  • What makes you angry and frustrated?
  • What problems can you not get out of your head?

Also note this ECCLESIA; your promised land will always involve meeting other people’s need, because your gifts and callings were made for others. Your promised land is not about building you up or making you comfortable; it is about making you useful for others. It is your place of manifesting Christ as a servant for others and your community.

Call +234 803 939 2266 or email squads@kingdomlifesquads.org